Two Witnesses

Two Witnesses
Two Witnesses

We are not alone. The Two Witnesses are now here, with us. They move very swiftly and quietly, and they are unstoppable by mortal men. The fulfillment of a 1900 year old prophecy. In the Book of Revelation 11:6 they are identified as having the power to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. This may even include the dreaded COVID-19.

Could they be responsible for this pandemic that is bringing nations to their knees? What else do they have in their arsenal? Will something worse be just on the horizon for mankind? What is the spiritual solution that can stop all of this or will the plagues just keep on coming? What is the 1,260 day message that they have for the Earth? When will this message be delivered? What are the other messages that they have for all of mankind? Unfortunately, the Holy Bible identifies only one man that can put down these Two Witnesses.

This man is identified as “the beast” and he will then demand a reward for this feat. Will you be willing to worship the beast and take his mark on your forehead or your right hand? Are you now willing to find out what is really happening in the Earth today? You need to be informed, because this is just the beginning.

Two Witnesses book

The Acts of the Two Witnesses is indeed the most comprehensive exposition on the Two Witnesses that is available on the Earth today. There is no other book or literary work like the Acts of the Two Witnesses, it simply does not exist. This book will prove itself to be an invaluable resource as these last days are negotiated and unfold. Not only will you get a clear systematic analysis that leads to the irrefutable conclusion as to who the Two Witnesses are, but you will also gain a tremendous amount of insightful knowledge as to the reasons why the LORD has meticulously hidden them for all this time. It is for the benefit of the Church, those who truly love the Lord Jesus Christ, to be strengthened and to obtain that last strategic impetus that will give them what they need to remain faithful to the end as overcomers.


  1. Hi Max, An angel is a consciousness or a soul after it has left the GOD given incarnation, you are correct they are eternal, just like you and i. Never in the bible were either one of those two angels incarnated into to flesh, that you are aware of, but they were. and they are right now, in the very near future they will step on GOD’s stage that has been set. if you are looking for a name of a clay Vessel or an Incarnated human, that will be a very long look for you. GOD has given me fantastic Discernment, here is how you know the incarnations of each of those angels. If a biblical figure was ever visited by Michael that was gabriel incarnated, if a biblical figure was ever visited by gabriel that was michael incarnated. May GOD bless you and your family and all of the awakening humanity. we are Almost there.

    1. Hi Ty, Angels were incarnated into flesh when they went into Sodom to deliver Lot and his family. When trying to understand the Book of Revelation, the Word of God must be used to interpret the Word of God. Nowhere in the Bible is it ever recorded that Angels can die physically. There is therefore no scriptural basis for this trend of thought. There are only three main angels named in the Bible: Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer/Satan. In no encounter between Michael and Satan, is one seen putting the other to death, because it is not possible. Besides the wages of sin is death, and if God’s two main obedient angels were to be put to death, it means that God would be unjust. God cannot be unjust as he is perfect, therefore he will not cause his obedient angels from eternity past to suffer the indignity of death. Therefore this assumption cannot be valid. Blessings in Christ to you and your family, Max

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